A.I.: Risk Vs. Reward
Explore the benefits and risks of integrating Artificial Intelligence into your business operations. Understand how A.I. can enhance productivity while posing significant data privacy challenges and more.
Password Strength: How Fast Can Hackers Crack Your Password?
Got a minute? Dive into our snappy guide where we spill the secrets on fortifying your online accounts. Forget simple tips; we talk password managers, crafty passphrases, and ironclad two-factor authentication that even the craftiest hackers can’t crack. Tailored for the sharp minds of NYC's financial professionals, our latest blog is a must-read for anyone in the NYC metro area looking to ramp up their cyber defenses. Let’s lock things down and keep the digital thieves out!
Discovering a Potentially Hacked Accountant: Lessons in How to Protect You and Your Client’s Sensitive Data
During my search for a new accountant, I encountered an accounting firm which appears to have a compromised email server. When I tried to alert someone, no one was listening.